2 Headlines Guest Editor Glenda Kane Contributor Gill Higgins Design The Design Cellar Ltd Cover Dr Thomas Park, photographed by Marcus Bailey ISSN 0114-9768 CONTACTUS Neurological Foundation, PO Box 110022 Auckland Hospital, Auckland 1148 Phone: 09 309 7749 Free call: 0508 BRAINS (0508 272 467) Email: Website: If you’re moving, please let us know your new address so that you don’t miss the next issue of Headlines . If you are not a current subscriber and would like to receive this free publication four times a year, please send your details to . DONOR RELATIONS CONTACTS Gifts in Wills: Margie Carter – 021 042 8114 Major Donors: Kim Maunder – 021 642 485 Headlines is printed on paper from responsible resources Kia ora koutou, “I honestly think big breakthroughs are going to happen in the next five years.” Those words from Associate Professor Scott Graham, whose research into an aggressive type of brain cancer is showing encouraging results, give us all great hope. Other researchers are tackling this devastating disease too, each coming at it from a different angle. I’ve loved learning about their collaborative approach as I’ve read the inspiring articles in this issue of Headlines. This work is very promising and we look forward to updating you as progress is made. I’m thrilled to share with you the results of our latest funding round. Check out pages 16-18 to see the wide range of work that’s being supported by your amazing generosity. Grants worth more than $3 million were awarded – that’s the most we’ve ever been able to commit to in a single round. Only through sustained support from people like you are we able to continue this level of investment. I really can’t thank you enough. Before I started at the Foundation, I wouldn’t have thought about leaving a gift in my Will. But now, as I reflect on my family’s own experience (particularly with stroke and dementia), I really feel that I can make a difference – even after I’m gone. I believe that the kind of brilliant research featured in Headlines will help find a pathway forward, leading to better outcomes for everyone. September is Gifts in Wills month, so it’s a perfect time to consider this option. Hope, as I know you’ll agree, is a wonderful legacy. So much great research has already been done, but there’s still so much yet to be explored. If you’d like to talk about this option, please call Margie Carter on 021 042 8114. She’d love to hear from you. As always, from us all, thank you so much for your support. Mā te wā, Rich Easton CEO Message from our Chief Executive Brain cancer in New Zealand – and the Kiwi counterattack Tiny molecules, huge potential Bridging two worlds: a very special collaboration Speeding up glioblastoma research Killing the killers: harnessing our immune system One neuroscientist’s unconventional journey Tackling young-onset dementia $3 million worth of grants for the neuroscience community 30 Years On: The Best Little Brain Bank in the World Contents 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 19