4 Headlines A t the core of fetal brain development is a process known as neurogenesis, where neurons and other brain cells are formed. In the womb, the brain grows faster than any other organ. In fact, there are times during pregnancy where 250,000 neurons and brain cells are being produced per minute! By the end of the first trimester, basic structures of the brain are already forming. Cells are dividing and migrating to their required locations, guided by cues from surrounding cells and tissues and from the different hemispheres of the brain. These regions of the brain will develop at different rates and become specialised for different tasks. The cells will ultimately form intricate brain circuits, controlling everything from basic reflexes to cognitive functioning. Both our genetics and the environment play a role in the brain’s remarkable development. Genes provide the blueprint for brain structure, but environmental factors like nutrition, the mother’s health, and external stimulation will shape how the brain develops. By the third trimester of pregnancy, a fetus can respond to light, sound and touch from outside the womb. This stimulation is crucial for aiding early brain development. A developing human brain is one of nature’s greatest marvels. It is where the foundations of cognition, emotion and our very identities are born. The making of a MASTERPIECE