2 Headlines Editor Danelle Clayton Contributors Mackenzie Kiernan Design The Design Cellar Ltd ISSN 0114-9768 CONTACTUS Neurological Foundation, PO Box 110022 Auckland Hospital, Auckland 1148 Phone: 09 309 7749 Free call: 0508 BRAINS (0508 272 467) Email: Website: If you’re moving, please let us know your new address so that you don’t miss the next issue of Headlines . If you are not a current subscriber and would like to receive this free publication four times a year, please send your details to . DONOR RELATIONS CONTACTS North Island: Margie Carter – 021 042 8114 South Island: Kim Maunder – 021 642 485 Headlines is printed on paper from responsible resources Kia ora koutou A baby has over 100 billion brain cells when it’s born. Isn’t that a mind-blowing number? In the first years of life a child’s experiences will effectively ‘wire up’ these connections, leading to the creation of a masterpiece. Researching babies’ brains is critical because the first few years of a child’s life are so important for their wellbeing later on. If a problemwith a child’s brain is picked up and treated early, the rest of their life will be positively impacted. Starting on page 4, you can read all about research into baby brains currently taking place right here in New Zealand. It’s both fascinating and encouraging to see progress being made on the pathway to hope for vulnerable babies (and their mums). At the other end of life, a growing number of Kiwis face the challenges of brain disease caused by aging. On page 16, we continue our series on dementia. This time we’re taking a closer look at the looming economic cost, which makes for sobering reading. A key message emerging from research is that we can all take steps to delay the onset of disease by protecting our own brain health. One of our supporters, Angela Caughey, published a book called A Better Brain for Life: Preventing Dementia and Other Chronic Diseases , which uses the most up-to-date research to show how to achieve a healthy brain and body. The book is available through or most major booksellers. We’ll also be spreading the message of brain health for the third year in a row at Fieldays this month. We know that rural folk are vitally interested in reducing risks prevalent in rural lifestyles, so we’ll be sharing the most up-to-date information at our BrainSpace area in the health hub. You can’t miss us – we’re right next to the giant inflatable brain. We look forward to meeting some of you there. Meanwhile, please take care of your own masterpiece! Mā te wā, Rich Easton CEO P.S. You’ll find Angela Caughey’s excellent talk on dementia at Message from our Chief Executive Our upcoming events The making of a masterpiece – the amazing development of the human brain On the cusp of life – Remi's story Medical breakthroughs for little miracles – a promising new therapy for prem babies One researcher’s experience on both sides of infant epilepsy Mothers under stress To cap it off – 20 years of saving babies after dangerous births Dementia Series Part II – the economic cost of rising dementia rates Research from around the world Contents 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 19