Dr Narun Pat (centre) with his colleagues from the Human Affect and Motivation Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Otago. Headlines 7 They will aim to build two biomarkers predicting either the age or cognitive abilities of participants, before benchmarking the ethnic bias. “We’ll train machine learning to use MRI data from one ethnicity and test their predictive performance on different ethnicities. To alleviate the ethnic bias, we will explore different strategies including combining different MRI types, adding genomic information into the model, and customising different deep learning models for each ethnicity.” “People of all ethnicities, across the world, deserve to benefit from these exciting technologies. Our project will play a critical step in ensuring this.” Glossary of terms 1 Artificial intelligence: a type of computer technology concerned with making machines work in an intelligent way, similar to the way that the human mind works. Big data: extremely large amounts of information that can only be used with special computers. Machine learning: a branch of artificial intelligence in which a computer generates rules underlying or based on raw data that has been fed into it. EEG: electroencephalogram – a graphic tracing of minute voltage changes resulting from bioelectric activity in the brain. fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging – a technique that directly measures the blood flow in the brain, thereby providing information on brain activity. Training data: a set of examples used for learning, such as to tune the parameters of a machine learning algorithm. 1 Collins English dictionary (2023) [Accessed 22 January 2024]. “Big data and machine learning are creating a paradigm shift in neurology.” From the top of your head to the soles of your feet, you are amazing. Your brain is in charge of smart decision-making, yet your heart has the final say. Supporting vital neurological research is something that doesn’t have to stop when you are gone. Leaving a gift in your Will ensures that brilliant scientists can keep working towards breakthroughs that benefit us all. What an incredible legacy for the next generation. Hope. To start a conversation, call 0508 272 467 or email Even after you’re gone, you’re still needed LEGACY OF HOPE Neurological research from the heart