29 Making progress in multiple sclerosis The interplaybetweenmetabolismand the immune system, andhowthis influences thebrainand neurological disease, is on themindof researchers around theworld. Oneof themisNeurological Foundation2022First FellowDr Georgia Lenihan- Geels fromVictoriaUniversityofWellington. She’sworking in the labof renownedProfessorAnneLaFlamme, seekingtofill gaps inknowledgeaboutprogressivemultiple sclerosis (MS). Ultimately, sheaims tohelpfindways toboostqualityof lifeforpeoplewithMSby targetingthe immunesystem. Her research findingswill beuseful forother neurological diseases, too, suchasAlzheimer’sdisease andamyotrophic lateral sclerosis, themost common typeofmotor neurondisease. Dr Lenihan-Geels has also taken on a role asChair of theMauriceWilkinsCentre EarlyCareer SteeringCommittee, which shedescribes as a great opportunity to hone her leadership skills andextend her research network.TheFoundation has adjusted her fellowship toenable her to take up this leadership role. “There’s a real need for therapies thatwork inpeoplewith progressiveMS. At the beginning ofmy project, I got tomeet people livingwith this disease. Itwas really valuable to hear how it affects them and theirwhānau, andhowmy researchmight help to improve their lives.” Dr Georgia Lenihan-Geels, MS researcher