SUMMER 2023 InTouch | 15 Continued over ... Jason Wech knew there was something not quite right growing up with the number of trips and stumbles he had. From as young as he can remember, Jason recalls numerous falls and stubbed toes! For 48-year-old Northern member Jason, the diagnosis was a long time coming and it wasn’t until he was in his early 40’s that he got his condition named after falling over a lot at work. “I had no idea what was wrong with me and was fearing the worst like a tumour or something as scary”, says Jason. Prior to being diagnosed with Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), Jason spent many years at sea commercial fishing until his health deteriorated and he could no longer keep up with the physical demands of the job. With the support of his GP, and a referral to a neurologist, it took nearly a year for Jason’s blood test results to come back with the diagnosis of HSP. YOUR CONDITION IN REVIEW Jason shares his story with us and how MDA’s support has turned his life around! My relief at a diagnosis “It was a relief to finally know what was going on with me and have a name for the symptoms I had been experiencing. Most people would think I wouldn’t be happy being diagnosed with a condition, but for me I finally could put a name to it and start dealing with it,” says Jason. HSP is an inherited disorder that is quite different in its cause and presentation, but all share the trait of weakness and spasticity (stiffness) and mild reduction of vibration sensation of the lower extremities and urinary urgency may occur. Initial symptoms that may be experienced are mild difficulties in walking style (causing what is called a spastic gait) and mild leg stiffness, which Jason experiences. Jason’s symptoms are worsening, and he can sadly no longer work. He had to leave his last job as he was finding it difficult to walk, stay steady on his feet and deal with the tiredness that came from working long hours. His ability to walk far is also declining and he now uses a wheelchair most days. “Before my diagnosis I was struggling to keep up with the demands of my job but had to work to pay bills and the mortgage. Now, I feel some relief with not being able to work as it takes the pressure off having to make ends meet each week” Jason said. Jason praises his Fieldworker, Rachel Woodworth, and the support he has received from her. “Rachel has been tremendous to deal with and has really helped me”, Jason says. Rachel With the support of his GP, and a referral to a neurologist, it took nearly a year for Jason’s blood test results to come back with the diagnosis of HSP. “It was a relief to finally know what was going on with me and have a name for the symptoms I had been experiencing. Most people would think I wouldn’t be happy being diagnosed with a condition, but for me I finally could put a name to it and start dealing with it.” Above: Jason at home in Otorohonga