14 | THE REVIEW SEP–DEC 2023 Disability is no barrier to discovering potential Outward Bound courses push the limits to create “amazing experiences”. Last summer, a group of rangatahi with cerebral palsy cleaned their boots, put on their backpacks, and ventured to Outward Bound in the Marlborough Sounds. Outward Bound has offered adapted courses for four decades, including courses for people with physical disabilities. The Activate course is designed for those aged 18+, the Youth Activate for 16 to 18-year-olds, and the Activate Leaps and Bounds for 13 to 15-year-olds who attend with a parent or caregiver. Palmerston North’s Deanna Rogers (a CP Society member), Christchurch’s Josh Rae and Quinten Baker fromWairoa pushed themselves to their limits during the eight-day Activate courses. Deanna was nervous about going to Outward Bound but was buoyed by the “amazing experiences” she had heard others have had there. “I wanted to have an adventure, to experience new things and reflect on nature while meeting new friends and getting away from my usual day-to-day life and stress,” she says. “I also wanted to get away from my phone!” Top: Joshua Rae, standing third from left, Quinten Baker, fifth from left, and CP Society member Rorie Poff, seventh from left, took part in Outward Bound’s Youth Activate course in April. Above: Quinten Baker says he learnt leadership skills that he will be able to use elsewhere.