The Cerebral Palsy Society: Phone: 0800 503 603 Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5pm Postal Address: PO Box 24759, Royal Oak, Auckland 1345, New Zealand Email: Website: Facebook and Instagram: cpsocietynz Contributions: We welcome contributions, comments and letters to the editor. We thank all contributors to this edition. Subscriptions: The Review is available free to people with Cerebral Palsy, their families, health and education professionals and other interested people. Advertising: The Review welcomes advertising enquiries. For a rate card, please contact the Cerebral Palsy Society. Editor: Melanie Louden, CPS Design: The Artset Printer: ROE Print Services 021 224 5058 Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand. All material in this magazine is copyright. You must therefore contact the Cerebral Palsy Society office for permission before copying or reproducing any of it. Charities Commission Registration: CC27036 MAY–AUG 2023 Contents 3 Catch up with Clare 4 Athletes give their all for Halberg Games Meet our team 5 A new kind of independence 6 Freedom - one bathroom at a time 8 Transformation under way 9 Fire safety as a disabled person 18 Society Snippets CPS news in brief 19 About Us Contact Us FEATURES 10 New season equals new goals Look for Luka in the pool or on the slopes 12 Yasmin’s ride for Kiwis living with CP Pedaling the length of the country to raise awareness 14 Making an impact on and off the field Daley Manu’s dreams become reality RESEARCH 16 Shaping health research in NZ 8 10 14 6 4 9 12