MAY–AUG 2023 THE REVIEW | 15 FEATURE Daley says rugby league has opened many doors for him, “which I would never have had without taking that first step into the unknown”. across rugby league footage of a game between New Zealand and Australia. “The clip was a New Zealand player absolutely smashing the Aussie guy straight off the kick off. I couldn’t believe my eyes when the title said Physical Disability Rugby League. “I thought to myself, I love rugby league, I could get smashed like that.” Daley reached out to the New Zealand team and got an invitation to join them for training. Among the opportunities that have come his way is being able to set up a non-profit organisation called Reach Your Potential Movement (RYPM). Daley and a childhood friend, Casey Calder, who both come from “humble beginnings”, set it up in 2018 with the aim of recirculating rugby boots from one community to another. “We talked about how many kids lose the dream of sports careers due to the raising costs of sports fees and equipment, and also The following week Daley, his wife Cecilia and their young son McGregor, drove up to Auckland. “This day would forever change my life because I realised this dream was now becoming a reality. I was now part of the PDRLNZ whanau.” Daley has gone on to represent New Zealand and the Cook Islands but says the highlight of his career so far was attending the inaugural Physical Disability Rugby League World Cup, in the UK in 2022. “We would come off second best with a silver medal. But we left our mark on the world, and I got to etch my name in the sporting history books by scoring the first try of the first tournament.” Daley says rugby league has opened many doors for him, “which I would never have had without taking that first step into the unknown”. being part of a family with more than one or two future sports stars in the same household. “Be that family struggling or not, we wanted to create a network of recirculated sports equipment that was no longer needed or forgotten about, that another kid could benefit from.” RYPM nowworks with families in Tokoroa, Whitianga and Auckland. “The most rewarding impact I have personally seen is …. parents telling me they don’t have to break their kids’ hearts by explaining they won’t be able to play because of the financial cost of boots for all of them to participate. “Little things like that remind me why we started this movement.” Daley says playing league helped him overcome anxieties and depression and he has a “massive amount of pride” for what the sport has helped him achieve. “But nothing will ever top coming off the field, or home from the World Cup, and hearing my son say ‘wow, that’s my daddy’.” Opposite above: Daley Manu makes his mark at the inaugural Physical Disability Rugby League World Cup. Photo: Joe Farani. Above: Daley Manu is living his rugby league dream. Daley and the NZ team claimed silver at the Physical Disability Rugby League World Cup. Daley, pictured with his wife Cecilia and their son McGregor, is a proud family man.