WELCOME A great start to the year Tēnā tātou katoa, I hope the first half of the year has gone well for everybody. Thank you to those of you that supported the remit at the October 2021 AGM to appoint an independent director onto the Board. We are delighted to announce that Peter Wynne Jones has accepted the treasurer position. Peter comes to us with a finance, banking and accounting background, he has also worked in local government and more recently as a contract accountant with such companies as Auckland Council, Vodafone, Auckland Grammar School and Marsh New Zealand, amongst others. Peter’s told us he feels privileged to be invited to join the Board and is “looking forward to working hard with a group of such very talented and dedicated Board members”. While we were sad to lose Renata from the Board, it’s great that she is now part of the staff team as the Member Support and Programme Coordinator – Youth & Young Adults. Renata has also increased the Society’s nationwide representation from her new home in Palmerston North. We are encouraging a more nationwide approach to how our team works and supports members, and the team will all be just as easy to get hold of and arrange meetings with. We are really pleased to now have Dr Anna Mackey as the new Project and Relationship Manager – Cerebral Palsy Research and Innovation (a joint position with Starship Children’s Health and the Cerebral Palsy From the Chair Have you joined us for a Connecting Over Coffee session yet? Connecting over coffee Society). You can read more about Anna on page 18. This has meant that the Society’s Membership Deep Dive Project is now underway with her help and support. We are really excited about how this will help us to better understand the needs and wants of our membership, so we can provide you with the right care and support. Please feel free to contact us if you have any ideas, thoughts or feedback on Ngā manaakitanga Meg Smith President Our virtual coffee groups started in March and we’ve seen a great number of members turn up as a wonderful variety of guests have joined us. Connecting Over Coffee is held on the fourth Wednesday of each month via Zoom. It’s an opportunity for members to engage with each other and get the social interaction they value.  These coffee groups are not only a chance to chat and catch up, but also an opportunity to learn and possibly try something new.   We’ve already had yoga, a discussion about Individualised Funding and a music therapy session. This month we’ve got Functional Adaptive Movement and in July we welcome speakers from The Personal Advocacy Trust. Did you know... the coffee is on us! We’re happy to shout a CPS member and one attending caregiver, support person, family member or friend, morning tea to the value of $15 per person. There’s information on our website about getting reimbursed. All the details, including a calendar of upcoming sessions, is here: We look forward to you joining us. 4 | THE REVIEW MAY–AUG 2022