RESEARCH expressed the need for change when it came to information about specialist support aspects such as accessible housing or finding employment. What are the next steps? Now that we have a starting point for advocacy and what our community wants, we are going to use this work to shape an advocacy strategy for the Society which will in turn set our goals for the coming year and the future. We are working with an advocacy specialist to develop a clear and specific set of changes that we are asking for at different levels of the disability sector and government. This is particularly important when it comes to raising the profile of CP amongst the ministries and wider health-related services and organisations. The member survey also gave us ideas around what we can change in our services to better meet the needs of our members. Particularly, when it comes to providing information on the different levels and types of CP and how they affect individuals. There will be lots of new initiatives and resources coming this year as a direct result of the feedback and information we’ve received. We will provide regular updates on our progress and on any changes that are underway and when they will come into effect. Watch this space. Getting involved with advocacy Even though the survey is completed, we are always keen to hear from members and are working towards establishing a group of members that would provide feedback on future research initiatives, advocacy planning, or community outreach. If you would like more information about the survey or you would be interested in sharing your perspectives, then please email for information. Helping you getUpAgain There are times in our lives where things get us down, but we all deserve support to get up again. Information: > Member Services > Our Programmes. Email us at or phone 0800 503 603. During times of emotion, the support of friends, whānau and your community, can help you get through. If you need extra support getUpAgain funding is there for financial members with CP, their families and/ or support person. It subsidises the cost of a counsellor of your choice. Anna Mackey (left) is Cerebral Palsy Society’s Project Manager, New Zealand Cerebral Palsy Register, and Amy Hogan (right) is the Society’s Researcher and Member Support Advisor.