16 educational presentations We raise awareness of Cerebral Palsy - Hōkai Nukurangi through presentations, social media, and publications to ensure New Zealanders have a greater understanding of the condition and knowwhere to go for help. We provide a voice for people living with Cerebral Palsy - Hōkai Nukurangi to break down barriers and get the best treatment possible. Advocacy We firmly believe an important part of our role is to advocate for the wider Cerebral Palsy - Hōkai Nukurangi community. As such, advocacy continues to be an important part of the Cerebral Palsy Society’s mahi. There have been a number of opportunities to raise our voice in the 2023- 2024 year to ensure equitable access and lasting change for individuals and their whānau. OUTREACH 13 research articles published 2 editions of The Review magazine published Education and Awareness 55 likes cpsocietynz Somebehaviouralproblems thatpeoplewithCPmay experience canbedue to thephysical& emotional challenges they faceasa resultof theirCP. Some techniques include:deepbreathing&meditation cognitivebehavioural therapy, counselling. #cerebralpalsy#cpsocietynz#lifewithCP#tips cpsocietynz information, advisory and supports provided 31,934 Examples of what we have done in the 2023-2024 year include: Developed a rapid advocacy plan around funding changes announced by Whaikaha – Ministry for Disabled People. This mahi included collecting feedback and stories, crafting responses for the media, and liaising with Ministry officials to distribute the feedback further. Created resources for the Australia and New Zealand Cerebral Palsy Strategy, focusing on key advocacy areas for Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. Worked on improving access policy and legislation at central and local government levels, including built and digital environments. Advocated for equitable access to government entitlements for disabled tamariki and their whānau through analysis work on Budget 2024. “Keep doing what you guys are doing. You guys are amazing.” 14 | ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT 2023-2024