OUR COMMUNITY From the Parents’ Association The parent community have been treated to a couple of exciting events hosted by the Parents’ Association this term. The New Parents’Dinner had a great turn out this year, with over 120 parents attending. This year, we introduced a more casual set up with food trucks to give parents the chance to meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere. Heads of School attended this event to give new families a chance to meet and become part of the community. We also helped out with the Year 13 BBQ, which gives our eldest students and their families the chance to relax and have fun with their teachers before their last year of school. We were also delighted to support the Carols On The Lawn at the end of last year with a barbeque and cookies for the girls. Over the new year break we hosted two Second Hand Uniform Sales and were delighted to see so many people donate and purchase second-hand items. This term, we have also delivered ice blocks for the whole school at Swimming Sports and to the Juniors at the Junior School Picnic. We look forward to supporting QMC through engaging activities for parents and students this year. Ngā mihi nui, Alana Bicknell QMC Parents’ Association President Parents’ Association events 62 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 63 :: May 2019