Year 12 student Brooke Raitt played Little Red Riding Hood, a role she reprised after appearing in a 2017 version. Shewas drawn to doing the show again due to its“magnitude”and loved howenthusiastic her cast mates were. “Everyone put 100 percent into this production, and this really showed in performances,”she says. LIVE Timsays he is grateful to the cast and crewwho came on board to create the show. “We heard during our rehearsal process that this show is‘themost feared on Broadway’due to its complexity and challenges,” Timsays. “In the end, Into theWoods was a resounding success, and I have to pay tribute to our director Patrick Davies whose creative vision and unbelievable dedication brought this show into being. “We had somewonderful accolades fromaudiences. My two favourite comments were:‘This is the best show we have ever seen put on by a school’ (fromseveral sources) and‘This show should not have been this goodwhen you consider the performers are still at school’. So overall, it was incredibly difficult, a fantastic team, and a huge success.” 53 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 63 :: May 2019