Our houses “I am convinced we owe to the houses two of the school’s best attributes – its spirit of keenness and the happy relationship between older and younger girls,” Irene Wilson, Principal 1924–1946. The first four school houses, Berwick, Braemar, Glamis and Lochleven, were set up in 1927. Students were divided into house groups, and decided to name them after Scottish castles. The students also chose their house colours and a motto. These same houses, colours andmottos remain in 2019. “At the beginning, it took us a few weeks to settle down to the new systemof houses, and longwere the consultations about house names and colours,”The Heads of Lochleven wrote in the 1927 Te Karere . “We chose…the good old Scottish tartan (red and green) for our tartan andwoe betide the poor unfortunate girl who brings dishonour on the colour by getting a discredit mark.” “Inspired by the visit of the Duchess of York, we, being true patriots, decided to call our house after her old home in Scotland,”Glamis students explained in their 1927 piece. Nowa fixture of QMC life, students were not keen on the idea of houses when it was first put to them. “It was withmixed feelings and many doubts that the school at large regarded the establishment of houses,”a Braemar student wrote in the 1927 Te Karere . “We sawourselves torn fromour nearest and dearest and dumped in a medley of seniors and juniors.We saw our form traditions destroyed. In fact, for aweek or morewe resented this sudden creation of new ideas.” Stirlingwas founded in 1929 due to a growth in the school roll, much to the“astonishment”of students, as reported in that year’s Te Karere . Original competitions between houses included speech competitions, Sports Day, the House Concert, swimming competitions and the end-of-termexamination results. In 2019, the houses remain an integral part of the school community, and students take part in Athletics Day, Swimming Sports and House Performing Arts Day towin the all- important house points. Students with older relatives that went throughQueenMargaret College are in the same house as their ancestors, keeping generational ties within the school. We look forward toseeingwhichhouse takesout thecovetedHouseTrophyat theendof our centenaryyear. LIVE 48 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 63 :: May 2019