Q & A with Service Prefect Freya Baker This year, QMC introduced a new prefect role for Year 13 students interested in giving back to their community. Freya Baker is our first Service Prefect and is looking forward to taking on the challenge and encouraging students to serve others. We asked her about her new role. 1. Whatmadeyouwant to run for (Service) Prefect? “I’ve always been interested in helping others, whether it be at home, school or in the wider community. I think it is important for young women to be aware of the impact they can have through assisting other people and by leading as an example and donating their time to a good cause. I find it so rewarding knowing I have helped someone, or something, like when I volunteer at the SPCA.” 2. How does it feel to be the first Service Prefect? “As the first Service Prefect, I’d like to establish a wider appreciation for service within the school. I’m happy to be the first Service Prefect and excited to bring new ideas to the table. As a whole, we are already active participants in the wider community, but there’s always more that can be done.” 3. Howwould you describe your role? “To sum it up, I am responsible for fostering greater awareness about service in our school. This involves reaching out to charities within our community and offering, where possible, financial or direct support based on the needs of the organisation. I collaborate with the year-level prefects and am involved with the organisation and carrying out the year-level service projects. I am also involved in the planning of large-scale service events such as Relay for Life and the Runathon, as well as school service groups such as Girl Up.” 4. What are your goals for the year? “My biggest goal for the year is to establish QMC’s reputation as being charitable and generous to a variety of causes in need of support. Secondly, I am really excited to get the whole school involved in service and disperse the misconception that service has to come in a formal setting, such as fundraising for a charity. Although this is impactful and effective, it can be daunting, especially for younger students. Small acts of service are equally as important and do add up. The quote ‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others’ really inspires me. I think that this is rather profound and something that everyone can benefit from. It is so easy to get wrapped up in our own lives and day-to-day concerns rather than focus on what we can give back to others, especially those less fortunate than ourselves. I feel that coming from a school like QMC, where we are incredibly privileged, it is our obligation to acknowledge our position of influence in our community and use it to benefit those less privileged and less fortunate than ourselves.” 5. What legacy would you like to leave as Service Prefect? “I would love tomake Service Prefect a role that QMC girls inspire to run for. I hope it becomes the catalyst behind the school’s various outreach programmes and initiatives to give back.” Service Prefect Freya Baker (centre) with Prefects Olivia Chin and Ashley Chandra at Relay for Life. LIVE 45 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 63 :: May 2019