“Teaching is a dynamic and energetic way to help students learn how to question, develop and gain confidence in themselves. It is powerful to see the academic growth that comes from education, and even more powerful to watch how students choose to use this knowledge to better their worlds and communities. “ Callum Harris English Teacher Georgette Redding Modern Languages teacher “I love teaching Spanish as it is a window to a different world. Through Spanish language and Hispanic culture, we are able to explore history, customs, traditions and a completely distinct way of life. Through the years of learning a language, we take a journey of discovery, and the reward is helping the students to gain the skills to access a previously unknown part of the world.” LEADING Carmen Chambers Year 4 teacher “I love guiding students to success, individually and through group work, and seeing many of the cross-curricular connections students make. I love engaging students in maths, watching them use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to find the answer. I love sharing the excitement of a good book. When I introduce it and start talking about, students can’t wait for me to start reading; when it’s time to stop reading they beg me to read ‘just a little more’. I love getting to know them as individuals, listening to their ideas and seeing the way their minds work.” Welcome to all of our new staff who have joined us in 2019. We are excited to welcome new support staff members and teachers in our Preschool. We hope you take the opportunity to meet your children’s teacher throughout the year at Parent Teacher Interviews and other QMC community events. 40 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 63 :: May 2019