2019 Head and Deputy Head Prefect Head and Deputy Head Prefects Lucy Poole and Ashley Chandra look forward to building the community this year. The pair found out about their roles at Senior School Prize Giving at the end of 2018, an experience they both describe as “humbling”. “It’s very empowering to know that we have an influence on younger students and can help build a school community,” Lucy says. Every year, the Head and Deputy Head Prefect choose a theme for students to follow. This year, the theme is “gratitude”, which is made tangible through the use of the sycamore tree on the College front lawn. “The roots of the tree are the roots of our school, representing the 100 years behind us that help us to grow,” Lucy explains. “As you move up the tree, you move up through the years. Branching out are the actions you can take to show your gratitude, for example, taking time to reflect or showing kindness.” “Finally, you get to the leaves,” Ashley adds. “The leaves are us. On the first day of school this year, we had girls write one word on a leaf that best described what they wanted 2019 to be, to reflect on throughout the year.” Head Prefect Lucy Poole and Deputy Head Prefect Ashley Chandra. LEADING 31 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 63 :: May 2019