LEARNING Top marks continue in 2018 QMC students are continuing to achieve at the highest levels in NCEA and the International Baccalaureate (IB). Antonia King, 2018 school leaver and IB Diploma Dux, achieved a perfect 45/45 in the IB Diploma last year. Antonia was the only woman in New Zealand to earn this result, placing her in the top 0.1percent of students who sit the IB worldwide. She is the first QMC student to receive top marks since 2013. Antonia is now at Victoria University studying Physics and Computer Science. Ilena Shadbolt, who received 42/45 in the IB Diploma, is now studying towards a five-year conjoint degree at the University of Auckland, comprising of a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) at Elam school of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English and Screen Production. Ilena also spent two months on a discretionary entrance invite to studypoetry at The International Institute of Modern Letters at Victoria University, which was taken by visiting tutors from Iowa University during the summer. NCEA Dux Victoria Hill is now at the University of Otago studying first year Health Science and a Bachelor of Biomedical Science. In 2018, our Year 13 students were offered scholarships from the University of Auckland, University of Canterbury, the University of Otago, and overseas totalling over $350,000. QMC also continues to encourage students to enter the New Zealand Scholarship Examinations. “These are ideal for students who want to challenge themselves and we are proud of the students who received scholarships in different subjects,”Head of Senior School Jacqui Brown says. These students were congratulated individually at Scholars’ Assembly earlier this year. Jacqui Brown says the school is also proud of howmany students achieved NCEA Level 3 with Excellence. “This really opens doors for students wishing to apply for scholarships to study at university,” she says. Left to right: Principal Jayne-Ann Young, Ilena Shadbolt, Antonia King and Head of Senior School Jacqui Brown at the IB Top Scholars’ Awards. Jacqui says she is proud of all of our students, regardless of whether they achieved top marks. “We are most proud of our students who make it over the line and achieve their own goals. These students have given it everything to achieve these marks. “At the same time, we congratulate those who have achieved endorsements in NCEA or good marks in the IB Diploma. These students have excelled, generally without creating undue stress on themselves, and without giving up their extra-curricular activities. Students have maintained balance in their lives and succeeded. “Every one of our 2018 leavers is happily at their next step, whether that be a gap year or at university.” 24 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 63 :: May 2019