LEARNING Year 11 students did the Abel Tasman trek, a three-day kayak and walk, which sees people push themselves to the limit. Georgia Thirkell says the most challenging part of the tramp was dealing with the weight of her pack, but she was helped by others in her group. “I had recently injured my shoulder, and it wasn’t quite better yet but the support frommy group and teachers on the tramp ensured that I had a great time and the weight often felt like it wasn’t there. “I had high expectations going into this tramp, but the Abel Tasman exceeded every one of them. I got closer with my friends and got to see gorgeous scenery.” Year 9 students Eleanor Bartlett and Emily Holmes also learnt the value of collaboration while on the Marae. “My biggest challenge was weaving, and I overcame it by asking for help and watching howmy friends did it,” Emily says. “Our biggest challenge was learning to live with each other in close quarters, if only for a few days,” Eleanor says. “We overcame this with a bit of a struggle, and came together in the end. A highlight was when we quietened down in the night to listen to a story read by fellow students and Mrs (Nadine) Allen.” 23 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 63 :: May 2019