Words from past Principals CENTENARY Marion McCree, 1977–1986 “I remember nine years in the most challenging and most rewarding position of my career. During that time, the roll increased as great students came from ever-widening diverse backgrounds and cultures.” “The Education Inspectors’ report on their visit in the year before I left stated they had found ‘excellence in all subjects and aspects’. That, of course, was partly due to the great support from the Board, the Parents’ Association and the Old Girls’ Association, as subjects and the equipment required changed, and the need for more teaching space increased. Especially though, it was because of the wonderful staff, many of whom remain close friends today. “When I saw the advertisement for the position, I had not heard of the College, even though I had taught for seven years in the Hutt. Now I am proud to have been associated with a school that has developed so well and has such a high reputation locally, nationally and internationally.” Hilary Baskerville (Lamb), 1988–1994 “In retrospect, Queen Margaret College meant being part of an exceptional community of strong people who all held a belief in their College: students, staff, parents, Old Girls and Governors. “Students from Preps to the Senior School showed a love of learning and pride in their own and others’ sporting, cultural and academic achievements. There was a strong commitment and collegiality among staff and a willingness to go the extra mile, above all in the time of the huge rebuilding of the College. “The compact space at the College was even more restricted by the demands of this building programme, which included the drama suite, new specialist rooms, science laboratories, art rooms and display spaces for students’work, the generous library and new Junior School classrooms. “QMC valued its traditions: walking in silence to assemblies, the special Prefects’ Assemblies, the house systemwith its banners, the enormous range of talent with House Music and House Drama competitions, the links and service of senior students to Kimi Ora School and the supportive pastoral care for each other. There were choirs and orchestras, overseas schools trips and the first links with other ‘Margaret’ schools. A highlight of the 75th Jubilee celebrations was Richard Campion’s production with the College of Oh, What a Lovely War . “Long may there be ‘faith in her future and pride in her past’.” Throughout its 100-year history, Queen Margaret College has been led by strong women Principals. Current Principal Jayne-Ann Young is the 14th Principal of QMC. Below are some recollections of her four living predecessors. 17 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 63 :: May 2019