5 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 62 :: October 2018 Celebrating Matariki Students in the Preschool and Junior School celebrated Matariki with family and friends with a number of special events. Queen Margaret Preschool students prepared a concert for their whānau and friends which included songs they had learnt such as the Māori folk song, TūtiraMai Ngā Iwi. They also created an exciting play based on the children’s picture book The Little Kiwi’s Matariki by Nikki Slade Robinson. The book tells the story of Matariki and its significance to Māori. Head of Preschool Emily Domican says performing gave children the chance to show their guests what they had learnt. “One of the main focuses of Matariki is spending time with whānau which we embraced through the performance and afternoon tea,” Emily says Following their performance children shared afternoon tea with their enraptured audience. Junior School students celebrated Matariki with a special shared breakfast hosted by Year 6. Children brought a range of delicious food and drinks to enjoy together and everyone was treated to a karakia (prayer) and a performance from the Queen Margaret College Poly Club. Head of Junior School Kathleen McDonnell says she was pleased children fromYear 1–6 were able to come together for such a special occasion to celebrate Martariki. LEARNING PRESCHOOL & JUNIOR