51 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 62 :: October 2018 Member of College and Old Girl Margaret Robertson (nee Craven) is the descendant of Reverend Dr James Gibb, one of the founders of Queen Margaret College. Her family has continued to have a relationship with the College since its opening. Margaret’s father John Craven was a member of the Parents’ Association and Board of Governors, which included time as the Chair. He led projects to build the first gymnasium and the new classroom block. The College CravenWing is named after him for his work. Margaret, a member of Lochleven, started at QMC in Standard 3 (Year 5) in 1953 and finished in 1961. She was a Prefect in her final year. Her younger sister Sally also attended the College. Founder’s Family Tree CENTENARY DESCENDANTS OF FOUNDER READY FOR CENTENARY After finishing school, Margaret went to university and studied to be a secondary school teacher. She later became a children’s bookseller’s representative and fondly remembers being a regular caller at the QMC Library. Margaret married Morris Robertson and the pair had a daughter Rachel who started at QMC in 1985 on an Old Girls’ Scholarship. Rachel was Dux in her final year, which was 1991. Throughout Rachel’s time at QMC Morris and Margaret continued to be involved in the life of the school. Morris was a member of the Parents’ Association Committee while the IreneWilsonWing was under construction. He was also a member of the Board of Governors and served as Works Convenor and Deputy Chair. Rachel’s daughter Emerson Langford attended Queen Margaret Preschool. Margaret and Morris are Members of College and Margaret is a lifetime member of the Old Girls’ Association. They are also holders of the Queen’s Service Medal, Margaret for Services to Theatre and the Community and Morris for Services to the Community. The pair are looking forward to returning to Queen Margaret College for the Centenary next year. Margaret’s sister Sally is also returning to New Zealand for the event, which will be especially memorable for their family. James Gibb (FOUNDER) John Craven (BOARD OF GOV, CRAVENWING) Margaret Robertson (MEMBER OF COLLEGE) Sally Hodges (OLD GIRL) Morris Robertson (MEMBER OF COLLEGE) Rachel Langford (OLD GIRL DUX‘91) Emerson Langford (FMR PRESCHOOL STUDENT)