42 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 62 :: October 2018 From the Old Girls’ Association The Association has been working closely with the College to plan the Centenary next year and it is shaping up to be an amazing celebration. As part of the preparation, the team is updating the database to ensure everyone can be part of celebrating 100 years of Queen Margaret College. If you would like to update your details or know someone who hasn’t heard from us in a while but would like to, please email We are looking for a few fabulous women to join our small, yet fun, committee, especially as we move into our Centenary year. If you would like to be a part of our team and are an Old Girl who has a couple of hours to spare six to eight times a year, please get in touch by emailing . At the end of last year the Committee and the College agreed on the terms for the provision of a partial boarding scholarship for Daughters of Old Girls. It is available for any daughter of an Old Girl (maternal or paternal) who is enrolled to board at Queen Margaret House in Year 12 or 13. The scholarship will assist with boarding fees over a two year period. We are really excited about the opportunity this will provide for a student. If you would like to knowmore about this scholarship please email Until next time, take care. Lynne Speight Old Girls’ Association President Queen Margaret College alumnae visited their former stomping ground on Friday 8 June and Saturday 9 June as part of the annual Old Girls’ ReunionWeekend. The weekend is an important event on the College calendar as it gives students and alumnae the chance to come together and celebrate their ties to QMC. This year the weekend was extra special as it was the first time daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters of Old Girls received the Old Girl’s Daughter’s Badge. Old Girls’ Association President Lynne Speight says the badge was created to highlight students’ generational ties to the College. Over 10 per cent of current QMC students are descended from at least one Old Girl. “Old Girls are an important part of the College. As Old Girls we are always going to be here and we are proud to now celebrate that connection with a badge,” she says. Those who attended the weekend also had the opportunity to visit Queen Margaret House for morning tea and to share memories of their time at school. Joan Turner was one of the Old Girls to attend the event. She attended QMC from 1953–1964. Her three daughters; Kylie, Georgia and Charlotte later attended the College. Kylie’s daughter Emma is now in Year 10 and was one of the first descendants of Old Girls to receive the Old Girl’s Daughter’s Badge. Joan says she has fond memories of her time at the College. “I loved my time here. I made so many friends and we are all so close today,” she says. Joan says she is looking forward to attending the Centenary celebrations in June next year. “We have organised our group to come back for the Centenary. We’re very excited,” she says. OLD GIRLS’ WEEKEND Lynne Speight presents an Old Girl’s Daughter’s Badge. Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 62 :: October 2018 OUR COMMUNITY OLD GIRLS