41 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 62 :: October 2018 WORLD CHAMPS Junior School teacher Jane Harris is back in the classroom after competing in the ITUWorld Age Group Triathlon Championships on the Gold Coast. This was the 12th time Jane has competed at theWorld Championships. “It was great to know I had made it to the start line on race day and could finally celebrate all the months of training,” she says. TEACHER COMPETES AT JANE HARRIS “I met so many new people from all around the world and was able to hear about everyone’s journey to the race. The positivity and comradery amongst the teamwas a highlight.” Jane qualified for the event by competing in the Sprint Distance and Aquathlon races in February and has trained since then in the cold winter months to stay in the best shape possible. “Each week I was sent a training programme frommy coach,” Jane says. “I had to be out of the house at 5am to get to the pool or gym by 6am to fit in a session before school. “Depending on the training schedule I would also do a lunchtime or after- school session.” Jane says her biggest challenge while preparing for the triathlon was keeping a balance between training, work and family. “Getting enough time to eat and sleep in the day was challenging,” Jane says. She believes the busier you are the more you seem to get done. ITU WORLD AGE GROUP TRI THLON “I think it is important to have a can do attitude, loads of resilience and an ability to push yourself to achieve a goal. Sport is one area where you can use these qualities in a real life context,” Jane says. “Being under pressure helps prepare you for race day.” Her advice to students who wanted to compete at an international level, would be to“get out there and give it a go”. OUR COMMUNITY OUR STAFF