40 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 62 :: October 2018 We are excited to welcome Lead Teacher in the Junior School Nickie de Denus to Queen Margaret College. Nickie is an experienced Junior School teacher who specialises in multimedia teaching. She has experience in syndicate leadership, curriculum leadership and mentorship. Nickie has joined QMC fromWellesley College. She believes in activating a love of learning in her students, in all its “messiness”. “Deep learning is rarely a tidy or linear process and often involves trying a new strategy and failing several times before success is reached,” Nickie explains. “I aim to inspire others to see learning as an adventure.” Nickie also believes in the importance of modelling resilience to younger students and inspiring people to get into ‘The Learning Pit’. Created by John Hattie and James Nottingham, The Learning Pit is a metaphor used at QMC and around the world to help students learn what to do when they feel stuck in their learning, sport, or any aspect of their life. “I think it’s important to relentlessly reflect and evaluate the impact of our actions on students’ learning and achievement.” “I want to equip others with the necessary competencies, experiences and understandings to go beyond what they believe is their potential,” she says. Nickie’s first goal at QMC is to connect with the school community. “Relationships are the centre of everything. I can’t wait to get to know the girls, their families, their teachers and the wider QMC community,” she says. “In broader terms, staying connected and engaged in the world that the girls live in is essential as a future- focused educator.” Nickie is currently studying a Master’s Degree in Education and has previously been awarded the Japan Opportunity Scholarship through the Asia New Zealand Foundation and the Linking Minds Scholarship from the British Council, the Ministry of Education, the New Zealand Teachers Council and the NZ-UK Link Foundation. This year she was an Action Researcher and Presenter at the International Boys’ Schools Coalition Conference on the Gold Coast. She presented her project on ‘Building Academic Resilience through ‘The Learning Pit’ and placed in the top 10 submissions. Nickie de Denus teaching students at Wellesley College. Nickie at the International Boys’ Schools Coalition Conference. NEW LEAD TEACHER IN THE JUNIOR SCHOOL OUR COMMUNITY OUR STAFF