9 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 62 :: October 2018 Year 2 looked at the way the world is organised as part of the PYP Unit of Inquiry “HowWe Organise Ourselves”. Teacher Ashley Lovell says students learnt about how systems are used within their homes, at school and in the wider community. They also investigated what a community was and how people worked together to use systems. “Students interviewed different people within the school, including the Principal, Gardener, Librarian, Nurse and Property Team. They learnt what their roles entailed, what systems they needed to do their jobs effectively and what happens when those systems break down,”Ashley says. “The girls found that when one part of a system isn’t working, then the rest of the system is affected and doesn’t work as well.” Ashley says the inquiry gave students the opportunity to learn new skills. “The students learn ‘research skills’ [observing, collecting data] and DISCOVERING Curious Creatures and Marvellous Monsters exhibition. THE SYSTEMS OF THE WORLD Year 2 students at the Wellington Chocolate Factory. ‘thinking skills’ [acquisition of knowledge, comprehension],” she says. Students also headed into the city to discover how systems work in businesses aroundWellington, including at Leeds Street Bakery, Fix and Fogg Peanut Butter and the Wellington Chocolate Factory. “We had an amazing experience at the Wellington Chocolate Factory where we learnt about the chocolate making process and how chocolate goes from bean to bar,”Ashley says. “The girls got to taste cocoa beans and chocolate and had a hot chocolate made at the factory. We had already investigated the chocolate making process so it was a fantastic opportunity for the girls to see the system in real life.” They also headed to Te Papa to see the new exhibition“Curious Creatures and Marvellous Monsters”. “We discussed the process or system of setting up some of those exhibitions, especially the giant gnome exhibition which was made of cast iron and would have been extremely heavy to manoeuvre,”Ashley says. JUNIOR SCHOOL LEARNING