6 We understand that starting at a new school may be overwhelming, so here are some tips to help you thrive. Wearing your uniform • Always wear your uniform neatly. • Wear your blazer to all assemblies. • Remember to name all your items. • Change from school uniform to PE clothes and back. School essentials • Schoolbag. • Exercise books. • Stationery. • Snapper card. • Laptop. • A padlock for your locker. • A student diary (this will be given to you on your first day). Getting to and from school and home • Be in your form class by 8.20am. • Know the correct route to and from school and an alternative route (if required). • Respect transport rules such as standing for adults. • Remember your home and parents phone numbers. • Have an emergency plan in case transport is disrupted. Getting organised for school • Check you have packed what you need in your bag for each day before you leave home. • Use your logbook to record homework and other important information. • Make sure your laptop is always charged. • Organise and keep your locker tidy. • Check your timetable daily. Put it in your logbook. • Only bring labelled and named possessions to school. • Check school notices every day. Manners • Speak and listen to adults and peers with respect and be polite. • Listen to others and engage in conversation. • Work effectively in groups and individually and make a positive contribution. • Show respect and concern for others. • Be trustworthy and reliable. Buying stationery • Queen Margaret College partners with OfficeMax for our stationery requirements. To purchase your school stationery, visit our website and go to Enrolments> Getting Started> Stationery. Here you will be redirected to the Office Max Back to School website. To view the stationery list, search for Queen Margaret College and select your year level. Getting ready