32 Code of conduct At Queen Margaret College we take pride in our school, respect and support each other, showing courtesy to students, staff and the wider community. Therefore, I will: • speak politely to everyone • listen when others speak • behave respectfully. At Queen Margaret College every student has the right to learn and every teacher has the right to teach. Therefore, I will: • be prepared by having all I need for each subject • be punctual • stay on task and work to the best of my ability. At Queen Margaret College we take care of property. Therefore, I will: • wear my uniform appropriately and with pride • wear my blazer when travelling to and from school and at all formal occasions • take responsibility for my personal presentation • name my equipment and uniform correctly • take responsibility for school equipment and my belongings. At Queen Margaret College all students have the right to a safe environment. We have zero tolerance of bullying. Therefore, I will: • ensure I am not involved in any bullying or threatening behaviour • allow no verbal or physical abuse (including cyber bullying) • not disturb the learning or recreation of others. At Queen Margaret College students practise academic honesty. Queen Margaret College students are principled. Therefore, I will: • write in my own words and will not copy and paste • submit my own work in tests and assessments • acknowledge the use of others’ words and works • use citation, footnoting and include an APA style bibliography when researching.