30 Parents’ Association The Queen Margaret College Parents’ Association supports the interests of the school and provides a platform for parents to come together to help form a strong school community. Each year, they provide funds for the Head and Deputy Head Prefects to attend a leadership conference in Australia before taking on their new roles. They also host the Year 13 BBQ at the start of each school year, provide parent security at events and help organise the Year 13 Leavers’Dinner at the end of the year. They are fortunate to have a number of wonderful parents on the Association; however, they are always looking for more help. If you would like to be involved, please email QMCPA committee members. Old Girls’ Association The role of the Old Girls’ Association is to ensure that Queen Margaret College students maintain a life-long relationship with the College and can foster the bonds of friendship made through the formative school years. The Association works hard to ensure the foundations of the College are retained and kept strong. This is done by helping to retain the special character and important traditions of the College through the collective history of Old Girls. Key Association initiatives include: • the Year 13 Mentors’ Breakfast • a Spirit of Adventure scholarship • a boarding scholarship at Queen Margaret House • supporting daughters of Old Girls • sponsorship of prizes for Middle School students • Old Girls’ functions and get-togethers • the Year 13 Leavers’ Dinner. If you are a former student of Queen Margaret College with a few hours to spare six to eight times a year, and you would like to be part of the team, please email