27 A number of choirs are available, including the Celesta Choir in Year 7–8 and the Sweet Margaritas and the Queen Margaret Chorale in Year 9–10. We have 20 highly qualified music tutors who come into school during the day to teach individual students in piano, voice, guitar and drums as well as woodwind, strings and brass. We also have two speech and drama tutors. In total there are about 400 lessons given weekly, with opportunities for students to perform in tutors concerts, assemblies and lunch-time concerts, and to sit Music and Speech Board exams. In the Senior School, students can join the Sweet Margaritas Barbershop Chorus, Queen Margaret Chorale, Queen Margaret Orchestra and Poly Club. There are a variety of drama groups available within the school. Drama is taught fromYear 7–13 as a curriculum subject. Senior School students can choose International Baccalaureate Theatre or NCEA Drama. Students have regular opportunities perform though the curriculum. Year 7 and Year 8 Drama have a performance afternoon each year. Each Year 9 class writes, directs, produces and performs in an annual musical. Year 10 students write, direct and perform a melodrama and senior students stage a production or performance annually. Our students also have the opportunity to take part in debating, musical productions and the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival. We also have two speech and drama tutors. Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) All students participate in EOTC, providing opportunities to build strength and resilience as an individual and work in a team to achieve goals. Students have the opportunity to experience EOTC in every year of their schooling. We offer a range of trips, workshops and clubs to encourage our students’ curiosity and deepen their thinking. Junior School: Year 1–5 students participate in a range of activities outside the classroom every year. In alternate years, students go on a school camp, spending one night (Year 1–3) or two nights (Year 4