26 Getting involved in school life All students are encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities to develop a variety of skills and build confidence. Extra-curricular activities include sports and performing arts, as well as service trips and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in the Middle and Senior schools. Sport We believe that students experience wide reaching benefits from participating in sports with their peers. For this reason we aim to provide every student with opportunities to engage in a wide variety of sports throughout their school years. We hope all of our students choose to be physically active throughout their years at Queen Margaret College and beyond. We offer a varied, inclusive and supportive sports programme which has something for everyone, from the novice learner to the most skilled. In the Junior School years we emphasise participation and encourage students to try a variety of sports. This builds the foundations of physical literacy by giving students the sports skills, confidence and competence to see themselves as the sports players of the future. As our students get older, the focus is on developing and strengthening movement and sports skills alongside mental capabilities. Students are exposed to a wide range of sports and early specialisation is discouraged. Students in the Senior School have the opportunity to engage in social sport or to follow a more competitive pathway. This stage is underpinned by excellence and striving to be the best you can be at everything you do. A complete list of the sports available can be found at Performing Arts Music is an important part of learning at Queen Margaret College. Music is taught as a core subject fromYear 1–9 and then as an elective in Year 10–13. We emphasise a ‘hands-on’ experience that includes performing, listening and composing at all levels. The Music Department includes a large number of itinerant teachers that specialise in vocals, string, wind, keyboard and percussion instruments. We offer private lessons and students who participate in these one- to-one sessions are also encouraged to participate in ensembles. Our musicians perform regularly at the school and within the community. Year 6 students can choose between the band and string programmes. As part of their chosen programme every student learns a wind or string instrument in an ensemble context. The String Group learns violin, viola and cello and students in the Band programme can choose from flute, clarinet, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, bassoon, oboe or percussion. In the Middle School, students in Years 7 and 8 can choose to join the orchestra, the Banditas or the Stringendos string group. Students in Years 7–10 can join the Honours Band.