17 Progress and achievement Teachers use student data, including feedback and student voice, to inform learning and teaching. They have a strong knowledge of curriculum contentand education, utilising this to help students achieve their goals. Assessment is used to inform instruction as well as for final qualifications, and information is shared with students and their families. Progress and achievement are regularly monitored using a variety of strategies appropriate to the activity, subject, and level of the student. Our student support services include gifted and talented programmes, learning support, and tertiary and career assistance. Staff are also available for individual help, with some departments offering additional homework and tutorial classes after school and at lunchtime. Homework We have an expectation that students will do some homework, and guidelines on this are available in the student diary or from Junior School teachers. Homework is appropriate to the level of the student and can include tasks consolidating class learning or more open activities, like reading. Assessment calendars are provided for Middle School and Senior School students. Students can use these calendars to help them plan ahead and develop strong time management skills. Reporting Parents are welcome to contact the subject or Junior School class teacher, year level Dean, Heads of Department or Heads of School at any time if they have questions related to progress and achievement. We schedule parent-teacher interviews or conferences twice each year. These are opportunities for teachers to meet with individual students and parents. The sessions are advertised through our usual communication channels and parents are able to book suitable times. We provide a short interim report which gives a general overview of participation and work completion towards the end of Term 1. Subsequent school reports are provided twice a year, at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. These include grades and comments from teachers, and are accessible at all times through the QMC Portal.