16 The Queen Margaret College Learning Model O p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r a l l I n s p i r e d a n d P a s s i o n a t e T e a c h e r s Teachers who understand the impact they have on all learners Q u a l i t y T e a c h i n g L e a r n i n g i s o u r f o c u s 2 1 s t C e n t u r y L e a d s e l f a n d o t h e r s Students who apply learning dispositions take risks and share high expectations Engage in skill competency for their futures Leadership opportunities are taken up at all levels N o b a r r i e r s QMC LEARNERS L a n g u a g e o f L e a r n i n g H o l i s t i c c a r e The framework for learning and teaching at Queen Margaret College. The curriculum We deliver a high-quality, holistic international curriculum across the Preschool, Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. We aim to recognise individual needs and provide opportunities for all students to achieve their best. We celebrate both academic excellence and progress with a focus on being innovative, creative and global. Key learning areas We encourage students to be problem solvers and to combine and transfer their learning across subjects and learning areas. To do this successfully, students need to master skills and have an understanding of key concepts. FromYear 1–Year 10, students have the opportunity to develop their skills and passions in each of the key learning areas of language and literature, language acquisition, individuals and societies, science, mathematics, physical education and health, technology and the arts. When students enter the Senior School, they have greater flexibility in their subject choice through either the International Baccalaureate Diploma or NCEA. We encourage them to follow a broad and open curriculum, while choosing subjects they are passionate about and that will help them in their intended future pathways.