30 Queen Margaret House Code of Conduct Each new boarder will be expected to read, understand and sign the QMC Code of Conduct, as part of acceptance into boarding. At Queen Margaret House we take pride in our boarding house, respect and support each other by showing courtesy to other boarders, day students, staff and the wider community. Therefore I will: • speak politely to everyone • listen when others speak • behave respectfully. At Queen Margaret House every boarder has the right to live and learn in a friendly and respectful environment. Therefore I will: • adhere to the boarding rules and expectations • follow instructions given and take personal responsibility for asking appropriate questions to clarify understanding • prepare myself so I am ready and on time for school every school day • use Prep time wisely to enhance my own personal learning and that of others • demonstrate respect for myself and others • model and place value on mutual trust • demonstrate cheerful acceptance of difference • be willing to live communally in harmony with others • behave, speak and listen in a respectful way to boarding staff and other students • be willing to participate and contribute positively to life in boarding • encourage and support each other. At Queen Margaret House we take care of property. Therefore I will: • keep my room tidy • wear my uniform appropriately and with pride • take responsibility for my personal presentation • name my belongings, uniform and equipment • take responsibility for my belongings and any school equipment I may borrow • tidy up common areas in the boarding house after I have used them. At Queen Margaret House every boarder has the right to a safe environment. We have zero tolerance towards bullying. Therefore I will: • ensure I am not involved in any bullying or threatening behaviour • allow no verbal or physical abuse (including cyberbullying) • not disturb the learning nor the recreation of others. Activities could include rock climbing, indoor bowling, kayaking, movies, mini golf, baking, theatre visits and trips to shopping malls. Year 11-13 boarders are also encouraged to participate. However, their attendance is not compulsory at weekend activities. Provided the cost does not exceed $25 it will automatically be charged to the student's College account. Please advise if you are not happy with this arrangement. Costs over $25 will require pre-approval.