28 Prep Prep is a vital part of the Boarding House routine. In order to minimise disruptions to Prep it is important that the girls find the right balance between their study, student activities and outings. Girls who are unduly absent may have their activities reviewed by the House Manager. Prep is done under the supervision and guidance of Boarding House staff. Any request to miss Prep must be cleared with them in advance. We recommend you do not contact your daughter during Prep; this time is for school work and study. Prep is held Monday to Thursday 6.45pm - 8.30pm. Students are welcome to continue with study and homework, in their own rooms, after this time if required. Personal property Students must take responsibility for their own property. In a boarding situation there are a lot of people sharing communal living areas which increases the potential for the misplacement of items. Boarders need to be aware of the importance of taking care of their own property. Everything must be named and care must be taken not to leave personal belongings lying around. Borrowing and lending is discouraged. Borrowing without permission is never acceptable and may result in further action being taken. The school takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to students’ property or for any item that she may have loaned to someone else. Student lost property is not covered by the school insurance policy. Personal insurance All boarders need to have their own insurance to cover personal belongings that may be misplaced or damaged while boarding with us. All boarders have a lockable area they can store their valuables in, however we do not encourage them to bring expensive items or large sums of money into the Boarding House. Records House staff should be notified of any alterations in a boarder’s personal circumstances, such as change of address or phone numbers or mobile phone numbers or that parents/caregivers are overseas/on holiday. We need to be able to contact you should an emergency arise. Records of leave, absences and confidentiality All personal information whether electronic or hard copy will be maintained in a secure manner. Best practice will be followed in terms of security, backup and access in line with the Queen Margaret College privacy policies. Room change at beginning of each term At the end of each term all boarders will be asked to pack up their rooms. All rooms will be thoroughly cleaned and made ready for the next term. Girls will likely have a change of room at the beginning of each term. This is done to assist integration of year groups in the Boarding House. Storage is limited at Queen Margaret House and any surplus gear must be taken home. Running and fitness Students are encouraged to keep fit, however, there are some necessary guidelines which must be observed by the students in order to ensure their safety. For safety reasons students must run in groups of at least two on pre-approved routes. In no circumstance is running permitted before light or after dark. Students in Year 9 -12 are not permitted to run alone, however, Year 13 students may be granted permission to run alone if their parents/caregivers lodge a special request with the House Manager. The school’s fitness centre is also available for use by boarders. Hobson Complex is open to boarders during weekdays from 7.30am to 5pm. Earlier access can be pre-arranged through the House Manger if required. Weekend access to Hobson complex for boarders will be arranged via a key system.