25 Provided the cost does not exceed $25 it will automatically be charged to the College account. Please advise if you are not happy with this arrangement. Costs over $25 will require pre-approval. Budgeting It is important that your daughter knows how much money she will have as pocket money from you. All students need to manage their own money via a bank account. It is recommended that boarders have an Eftpos card. Learning how to make choices about what to spend money on and budgeting is a vital life skill. Although students may need a small amount of cash for day-to-day spending, large amounts must be handed into the Boarding House office for safekeeping. The school does not take responsibility for any cash lost or taken that was not handed in. Damage to property Any damage must be reported immediately to the House Manager or staff on duty. Any students involved in damage to the facilities or contents of the Boarding House that is wilful or beyond expected wear and tear will have the cost of the repair charged to their account. Graffiti of any form is also not acceptable. It is suggested in this type of event that parents encourage their daughters to pay for this out of their own finances. Dress standards School uniform must be kept freshly laundered, be clean and in good order. In exceptional circumstances, an exemption may be obtained from a member of the Boarding House staff. Parents will be contacted by the House Manager if a student’s uniform is not of an acceptable standard or an item needs replacing. Boarders are expected to change out of their uniform into mufti after school and mufti is to be worn in the dining room for the evening meal. Revealing clothes, hats/beanie’s and wet clothing are unacceptable in the dining room and footwear must be worn at all times. It is essential that all clothing is named. Boarders on leave for the weekend are permitted to travel in mufti. Duties Students are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and therefore are responsible for main- taining the tidiness of their own living space and the Boarding House in which they live. Duties are done on a rostered system and checked daily. Emergency evacuation Trial fire evacuation drills are practised at the beginning of each term so the students become familiar with the procedure.The common areas will have the evacuation procedures posted on the walls and each bedroom will have evacuation procedures posted on the back of their doors. All exit routes are marked and will be kept clear of any obstructions. End of term All students are required to leave Queen Margaret House during the school holidays. Students must pack up their rooms and are required to leave the Boarding House no later than 12 noon on the day after the last day of school term. All arrangements require appropriate notification but students can travel home, stay with friends, attend residential programmes with outside providers or ask for a homestay. Exeat weekends/school holidays There are no exeat weekends. We expect that students will stay at Queen Margaret House every weekend during term time. Leave must be obtained for weekends away from the Boarding House, including for those who choose to go home every weekend. Expressing concerns It is important that boarders learn to express any concerns, difficulties or problems (as well as the joys and achievements) to staff so that correct information can be given, they can be referred on to the right person and their concerns can be fixed. Problems that can feel quite daunting for a boarder are often easily solved when staff offer support and clarify information. Students may talk about their concerns to a member of the boarding