19 Leave rationale All leave is considered a privilege and we work on the basis that trust is viewed very seriously. Leave privileges may be removed if behaviour and conduct expectations are not met. All leave outside of normal school hours is at the discretion of the House Manager. Signing out/in from Queen Margaret House is an important part of the leave procedure. We need to know where our boarders are at all times and in the event of an emergency that we are able to locate and account for everyone. The sign out process is a record of absences of leave from QMH and reflects all leave approvals granted. When you are leaving Queen Margaret House you are required to: • sign out using the sign out tablet at QMH reception • be honest about times, travel arrangements and destinations • be out of school uniform • sign in on your return and advise on duty staff that you are back in house. Leave procedure Leave requirements When taking leave, boarders, parents, caregivers and hosts must meet the following leave requirements: 1. Requests for leave are made to the House Manager by sending an email to . 2. We require the following information when emailing your leave request: • type of leave requested • time of departure from the boarding house • name of person collecting/hosting the boarder • method of transport if not being collected by parent or host • time of arrival back into the boarding house. 3. Special leave requests must be notified no less than 48 hours prior to any leave being granted. 4. The exception to this is town leave. See over the page for more information. 5. All weekend leave requests must be in by Thursday 8.30pm. 6. Boarders must sign themselves out and be honest about travel arrangements and destinations. 7. Boarders must make sure they take their mobile phones with them, phones must be switched on at all times to ensure they are contactable while away on leave from the boarding house. 8. It is a boarder’s responsibility to have sufficient charge on their phones. 9. Every boarder must have the Queen Margaret House number programmed into their phone and must contact Boarding House staff if they think they might be unavoidably late returning. 10. If a boarder is more than 15 minutes later than expected, steps will be taken to locate her. Emergency services, coaches, parents and caregivers may be contacted.