15 Medications and medical care All new boarders must have all medical and hospital consent forms completed and returned before they arrive at the Boarding House to take up their position. Although it is not compulsory we do recommend that your daughter is up to date with vaccinations as per the NZ vaccination schedule before arriving at Queen Margaret House. All medical issues will be facilitated through our registered School Nurse during school hours from Monday to Friday. The House Manager and Boarding House staff have first aid certificates and training in emergency and non-emergency care. They are available for any after hours’ emergencies and first aid outside of school hours. If students require more urgent or further attention, they are sent directly to the appropriate professional. The cost of medical appointments, pharmacy items and transport to and from will be charged to your daughter’s account. The College has an arrangement with The Terrace Medical Centre for GP services, however boarders and their families are able to choose alternative health care providers. 15 Health and wellbeing All medicines must be handed in to the School Nurse directly or through the House Manager. The School Nurse will decide what a student may keep in her personal possession, e.g. inhalers. All other medication will be dispensed from the sick bay or Boarding House office as per school protocols. All medication must be written in English, clearly stating the type of medication, the dosage and times to be given. If the medication does not follow these protocols, we may need to arrange a medical appointment for your daughter to see the GP to get the medication clarified before dispensing. Infectious illness While there are limited isolation facilities available, theremay be times when your daughter needs to be excluded from the Boarding House due to infectious illness. This is a requirement by theMedical Officer of Health. For this reason, we advise that every boarder must have a Wellington based family, friend or guardian that she is able to stay with at short notice.