6 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME | YEARS 7 – 10 2019 – 2020 MYP helps students develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to participate responsibly in a changing and increasingly inter-related world. This means teaching them to become independent learners who can recognise relationships between school subjects and the world outside and learn to combine relevant knowledge, experience and critical thinking to solve complex problems. The MYP is guided by three fundamental concepts: Holistic Learning Whilst maintaining excellent standards of teaching and learning across a wide and balanced range of traditional subjects, the MYP also has an extra emphasis on the interrelatedness of the subjects. This encourages the student to consider issues and problems from a variety of points of view. The students learn to combine relevant knowledge, experience and critical thinking to solve real problems. Intercultural Awareness The MYP develops students’ attitudes, knowledge and skills as they learn about their own and others’ cultures. MYP teaching © Above diagram copyright IBO What is the middle years programme? and learning encourages tolerance, respect and empathy. This is an essential part of education to create a better and more peaceful world in the future. Communication Good command of one’s own language enables clear expression of ideas, attitudes and feelings. The learning of other languages extends the student’s ability to communicate and it teaches appreciation of different cultures and ways of thinking. Good communication is also about listening to others and understanding variations and nuance. The MYP also encourages students to explore various modes of expression.  IBO Learner profile Teachers work with students to develop the ten attributes which form the learner profile. Goal setting, modelling, explicit teaching and reflection provide opportunities for the girls to consider the attributes and how they impact on learning, behavior and personal development. IB : YEAR 7 - 10