10 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME | YEARS 7 – 10 2019 – 2020 Year 7 Subject Information All students follow a course which includes the following subjects. No choices need to be made by students entering this level. DRAMA (ARTS) Course details: The course aims to inspire a passion for Drama, and confidence in performance in all students. There is a focus on both small group collaborative skills and the development of independent work skills as a support to other curricular areas. Students will begin with a study of how to use techniques effectively in a performance situation and move on to creating an original performance based on a fairy-tale through a devising cycle. They will then work on creating original performance poetry in preparation prepare for a presentation for parents in either Term 2 or Term 4. Course Information: • The course is run over half the year, alternating with Music • Each class will cover three topics over the duration of the course Homework expectations: Students are expected at times to complete some homework. Generally written reflections will be completed in class. However, it is vital that when approaching an assessment homework time is used to learn lines. MUSIC (ARTS) Course details: In the Year 7 MYP course students gain a basic understanding of how music is constructed and expressed, and begin to develop skills in creating and performing their own music. The students learn: • A basic understanding of musical elements including foundational keyboard skills • To compose and notate their own rhythms and melodies using music software • An overview of the history, development and identity of musical instruments from around the world through research and presentation tasks • To read and effectively perform music on the ukulele Course Information: • The course is run over half the year, alternating with Drama • A number of extra-curricular activities are available to all students Homework expectations: To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include: • Practicing solo or group performance • Completing composition tasks • Completing theory exercises • Research tasks • Working on process journals IB : YEAR 7 SUBJECTS