Yes , I want to support research to help people with brain disorders by giving the following gift: $25 $75 Other $50 $150 $ Through your support of theNeurological Foundation you are able to change the lives of future generations of NewZealanderswho will be affected by neurological disease. Your donations help our researchers to progress their life-changingwork. Your Will is a unique opportunity to support the people and causes that are important to you after you have gone. A bequest in your Will is a simple gesture that will leave a lasting legacy, and make a difference for future generations of New Zealanders. If you wish to leave a bequest to the Foundation, you should contact your solicitor or trust company and ask for the following clause to be inserted in your Will: I give to the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand the sum of $................. (or a .................... share in the residue of my estate) for the general purpose of the Neurological Foundation (or for a specific purpose) and I declare that the official receipt of an authorised officer of the Neurological Foundation shall be sufficient discharge to my executors. There’s no requirement to tell us that you’re leaving a bequest to the Foundation. However, we would like to make sure that your generous giving is personally acknowledged in your lifetime, so it’s a great help if you let us know your intention. If you require further information on bequests, please contact us on 0508 BRAINS (0508 272 467) Research saves lives. Donate today. Leaving a legacy of hope OR DONATE: Online at By phone 0508 BRAINS (0508 272 467) By internet banking: 06 0287 0133301 07 Please enter your initials, surname and reference code: 1211 My cheque is enclosed made payable to the Neurological Foundation Please charge my credit card: Card number: Signature: Name on card: Expiry date: Gifts of $5 are eligible for a tax credit – an of cial receipt will be issued Please email me a receipt individually Please email me a receipt annually Yes, please send me information on: Making a regular gift Leaving a bequest to the Foundation OR Thank you for your generous support. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Other: First Name: Surname: Street address: Town/City: Postcode: Phone: ID No. Email: Please return your gift with this coupon to: Neurological Foundation of New Zealand, PO Box 110022, Auckland Hospital, Auckland 1148. I would like to become a member of the Neurological Foundation $5 per year No. Vol 123