Neurological Foundation of New Zealand TheMASTERstroke trial involves inducing hypertension, or high blood pressure (BP), in stroke patients while they are under anaesthetic to have a clot removed. It is thought that a higher BPmight improve blood supply around the stroke area and improve patient recovery. So far, over 400 patients have taken part in the trial in radiology suites in all three New Zealand centres: Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Five further sites in Australia and the Netherlands are about to be added. The aim is to expand the trial to 550 patients. Dr Campbell is on track to complete the study mid-2024. The Neurological Foundation has helped to fund the MASTERstroke trial since 2019. AMASTERSTROKE Dr Doug Campbell, a neuro-anaesthetist from Auckland City Hospital/TeWhatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland, leads a clinical trial testing a new treatment for stroke patients. “The trial is showing how important the effect of drugs and blood pressure management are in the early part of a stroke. This is the most critical window for treatment and the best op portunity we have to improve a patient’s chance of rec overy.” Dr Doug Campbell, anaesthesia specialist