73 MEASURING WOMENS SIZES: Chest: Measure under the arms at the fullest part of the chest Waist: Measure around the waist at the height the pants are normally worn MEASURING MENS SIZES: Neck: Measure around the base of the neck Chest: Measure under the arms at the fullest part of the chest Waist: Measure around the waist at the height the pants are normally worn 7KURXJKRXW RXU FDWDORJXH \RX ZLOO ´QG SURGXFWV DYDLODEOH LQ &ODVVLF )LW RU 7DSHUHG )LW VW\OHV DOORZLQJ \RX WR FKRRVH WKH ULJKW ´W IRU \RX :H RIIHU D ZLGH UDQJH RI VL]HV IRU ERWK 0HQ DQG :RPHQ 5HIHU WR WKH JDUPHQW PHDVXUHPHQW JXLGHOLQHV below. Full details are available on the individual garment pages. CLASSIC FIT SHIRTS 5HOD[HG ORRVHU PRGHUQ ´W TAPERED FIT SHIRTS Slightly slimmer silhouette for a PRUH WDLORUHG ´W Size Specifications