2 Queen Margaret Calling :: ISSUE 62 :: October 2018 I am sure that, like us, you have noticed an increasing media focus on mental health and wellbeing for all people in our society. As educators our focus tends to be driven by what we are experiencing in our schools and communities. Queen Margaret College is not immune to the wider societal issues. Loneliness, poverty of time, extensive use of digital devices, unrealistic images of the lives of ‘celebrities’ and the accessibility of age- inappropriate material is impacting on our young, and not so young, people. Our children today face a huge range of pressures and, we take our role seriously in helping our students navigate the world, gain the skills they need to achieve their goals and develop resilience to cope. The balance between achievement and wellbeing is vital at home and at school. Students learn best when they feel safe, are known and have a voice. As part of our wellbeing programme at QMC we recently launched SchoolTV; a digital wellbeing platform designed to assist parents with navigating their way through the challenges of modern day parenting. It aims to inform and empower parents in dealing with the issues today’s youth are facing. It was a privilege to launch this powerful aid to New Zealand schools and parents at QMC, with founder James Wilson and expert in child psychology Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. As Michael was speaking there was one message that stood out to me our young people need boundaries and they need us to be adults, to say no and to support them in making good choices. If you have any concerns about your daughter, get in touch with a member of our wellbeing team. This issue of QM Calling highlights the enormous opportunities our students have and the wonderful community of supporters at QMC. As we build towards our Centenary celebrations I have become acutely aware of just howmuch we have to celebrate next year and I am so looking forward to sharing this important event with you, our Community. It is always such a delight to meet and learn from the people who have been here before us. Highlights for me in the last fewmonths have been the Old Girls’ Weekend and the Members of College High Tea. Both were wonderful occasions to catch up with many of the important women who helped shape our College into the school it is today. The end of the year is approaching fast and we have so much to look forward to; the Pantomime, the Year 1–13 Art Exhibition, Carols at QMC, celebrating our students’ academic achievements at Prize Giving and, of course, the Centenary next year. You are most welcome to visit us anytime and please check your contact detail are up to date with our Centenary team. Jayne-Ann Young Principal FROM THE PRINCIPAL