2 Issue 60 – October 2017 – QUEEN MARGARET CALLING FROM THE BOARD We are getting close to the end of what has been a very busy year at Queen Margaret College. Term 3 saw the arrival of our new Principal, Jayne-Ann Young, who was welcomed into her role on Monday 7 August with a moving Mihi Whakatau and Commissioning Service. It was excellent to see the school community come together with Jayne-Ann’s family and supporters for a wonderful occasion. The service provided a mix of the historic and spiritual values which underpin the College with cultural reflection of modern New Zealand. I noted in my welcome that “it is our values and culture which truly define how we support Queen Margaret girls on their journey to become the women we know they can be”. The challenge of bringing values and culture to a learning environment is central to the work Jayne-Ann has started on and she has engaged the Board in developing our understanding of how QMC can continue to improve its delivery of our promise to our parents and our young women. I was fortunate to be able to spend part of the school holidays in my other QMC role, as a parent helper at the rowing camp. I was delighted to see the QMC values and culture being demonstrated in behaviours as the girls were placed in an intensive program and overcame challenges, pushed themselves and coached and encouraged each other. The Queen Margaret College Foundation Trust has recently completed a review and will shortly be seeking expressions of interest for new Trustees as it seeks to build its support for the College. I would like to thank Trustees Nigel Bingham and Diana Marsh who resigned at the AGM after many years of service to QMC. The school’s centenary is moving closer and we have established a committed group to provide oversight and leadership for this project. The centenary team will consist of students, parents, Old Girls, Foundation Trustees and teachers and I would like to thank them all for their commitment to the centenary endeavors. This year we have seen the opening of the Junior School Playground in Term 2 and the continued development of the new boarding facility on the school grounds, Queen Margaret House. The build is progressing well and we look forward to QMC’s return to boarding at the start of 2018. I would like to thank the teaching staff and administration team for their continued effort as it is your commitment to the College which is the enabler for our young women. I would also like to thank the QMC parents for your continued support of your daughter’s education. Andrew Knight