11 Physical well-being 1 Circuit, strength and conditioning sessions Circuit, strength and conditioning sessions are an essential part of rowing training. These sessions will be held weekly either at the Star Boating Club or at QMC. It is important the girls use the correct technique when performing any of the required exercises as the incorrect technique could result in injury. A strength and conditioning coach will be used periodically throughout the season to ensure to ensure that the exercises are performed correctly and that they are appropriate for the ages and stages of the rowers concerned. Erg sessions are also used as a regular training tool especially when the water ins not conductive to a water session which happens often in Wellington. Health & Safety To ensure the safety of our Novice rowers each Novice will get checked by a Physio to look at core strength, technique, and back mobility and maintenance. This will completed prior to Spring camp and there is a charge for this. Any Junior/Senior rower may also get checked by the Physio if they wish, please let the Sports Department know if you would like your daughter checked. Physio QMC will be providing an active physiotherapy Service in 2018. Providing the injury is ACC covered there will be no cost to the student. Students will be released from class to attend their Physio session. An initial appointment will be 30 minutes plus any follow up 15 minutes in length. An on-line booking system will be used to make appointments. Further information will be made available through school communications.