NEUROLOGICAL FOUNDATION ONLINE PUBLIC SEMINARS The fellowships are named in honour of our founders, Val Chapman and Philip Wrightson. • Dr Barry Snow, one of the country’s top neurologists and a specialist in movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, was a Chapman Fellow. His free public talk was held in Christchurch. • Professor Maurice Curtis, a top neuroscientist, and Co-Director of the Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank, received a W&B Miller Scholarship and a Wrightson Fellowship early in his career. His free public talk was held in Auckland. • Professor John Reynolds is a Principal Investigator at the Brain Health Research Centre at the University of Otago. He was a Chapman Fellow and is developing new technology to treat brain disorders. His free public talk was held online due to COVID-19. DIGITAL SPEAKING EVENTS Twenty-one digital seminars were held this year, showcasing a huge range of the excellent research happening right now in New Zealand. Thank you to all the speakers who gave their time to share their findings and passions with our supporters. While COVID-19 has presented challenges, it has also created more opportunities for more of our supporters, from anywhere in the country, to attend a talk and ask questions via Zoom, often from the comfort of home. It has also significantly added to the lecture library on our website. Moving forward we are mindful of balancing digital events with our ever-popular in-person seminars. Many of these seminars were hosted by the Foundation as part of our regular initiatives such as BrainMatters, Digital Discovery, andWomen in Science. Others were in collaboration with community organisations such as U3A and Otago Brain Week (with the University of Otago and OtagoMuseum). SPEAKER TOPIC ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR STEVEN GIESEG Stroke and the carotid artery DRHELENMURRAY Sports-related injuries to the brain PROFESSORANNELAFLAMME Multiple sclerosis and the brain ASSOCIATEPROFESSORYIWENZHENG Tinnitus and the brain DRXIAO-WENYU Anewhope for Alzheimer’s disease? PROFESSORNICKDRAPER Measuring collisions in junior rugby: canwemake rugby safer? CLAIRELACEY Neuro-poetry andher own journeywith a brain injury MEGHANMULLIGAN Understanding the causes of braindisorders inNewZealand children ASSOCIATEPROFESSORSTEPHANIEHUGHES Neural development anddisease DRAILSAMCGREGOR Neuropharmacology, neurodegeneration and repair DR JOONKIM The neuroscience of stress DRHANNAH JONES The role of the immune system in neurodevelopment DRLOUISEBICKNELL Women inScience – withPhDstudentsMeghanMulligan, SankalitaRay DRLOUISEBICKNELL Being aDNAdetective DRKARL IREMONGER Buildingblocks of the brain: Insights into howthe brain functions ELIZABETHCOOPER Developing newtreatments for glioblastoma PROFESSORLYNETTESADLEIR Epilepsy&the brain ASSOCIATEPROFESSORMAXBERRY Protectingbabies’ brains for the future DRREBEKAHBLAKEMORE Controlling ourmovementswith an emotional brain PROFESSORBRONWENCONNOR Women inScience –with scholarship recipientsDr AmyMcCaughey- Chapman, NicoleEdwards andBrookeHawker PROFESSOR JOHNREYNOLDS A lookback at his career, andhiswork to findnewtreatments for Parkinson’s disease 16