Mosgiel’s Clive Cumming is still impacted by a brain injury he suffered three decades ago after falling down a slope. D espite losing 25% of his brain function and developing epilepsy as a result, he continues to make the most of every day. Clive has been supporting the work of the Neurological Foundation since his accident and is one of many donors living with a brain injury who want to contribute to finding treatments. "I nearly died after falling down a grass bank onto my concrete driveway. I lay unconscious for an hour-and-a-half until a neighbour found me,” Clive recalls. "The specialist later told me that I was lucky to survive and not come out severely brain damaged. Another half an hour and I would've been dead!" Since his life-changing injury Clive has generously supported the Neurological Foundation. He credits an article he read in Headlines for connecting him to advanced neuropsychiatry resources at the University of Cardiff — something he could not have accessed in New Zealand. This prompted him to extend his support by committing a portion of his Will to the Neurological Foundation. Since his accident Clive hasn't been able to work, but has toured the world, and, while not able to drive, still gets around Mosgiel on his electric scooter. "Travelling was part of the healing journey and helped get my brain working. Another thing that helps is keeping a positive attitude. I look forward, not back to the past. It's important you keep achievingmilestones, because advancing is the key." Including the Neurological Foundation in your Will is a very special way to support new discoveries into the future. Your legacy will help us provide funding for more research projects, more training for future neurologists and neuroscientists, and provide hope for someone who is living with a neurological condition. If you’ve considered leaving a gift in your Will and want to learn more about how to do this, our donor relations team is happy to help. Visit, or reach out to one of our donor relations specialists: Upper North Island Theresa 027 233 0710; Lower North Island Margie 021 042 8114; or South Island Kim 021 642 485. Lucky to survive and living life to the full 16 Headlines “I owe a great deal to the Foundation and the international medical community. It’s the least I can do.” Clive Cumming travelled all over the world to help keep his brain active following a head injury.