From the top of your head to the soles of your feet, you are amazing. Your brain is in charge of smart decision-making, yet your heart has the final say. Supporting vital neurological research is something that doesn’t have to stop when you are gone. Leaving a gift in your Will ensures that brilliant scientists can keep working towards breakthroughs that benefit us all. What an incredible legacy for the next generation. Hope. To start a conversation, call 0508 272 467 or email Even after you’re gone, you’re still needed LEGACY OF HOPE Neurological research from the heart Headlines 9 The estate of Patricia Wilson Patricia Wilson was diagnosed with Charcot-Marie-Tooth in her late 70s, but in retrospect her family believes she had the disease for many more years than that. She was a nurse, and was always trying to find information about the condition, especially in adults. Even the neurologists seemed puzzled by her symptoms. Patricia wanted to contribute to further research into CMT to help it become better understood, and she generously left a gift in her Will to the Neurological Foundation. Associate Professor Richard Roxburgh was granted the funds to study the involvement of the inner ear and balance in the disease (see story on page 6). Patricia wanted to contribute to further research into CMT to help it become better understood, and she generously left a gift in her Will to the Neurological Foundation. PatriciaWilson and her son-in-law, Erling